This piece is about that moment you realise you've fallen in love, the moment you embrace all the complexities that come with that person in your life.
The Way U look is a raw and refined snapshot of Detroit girlfriend's eyeball, from an angle he knew she didn't love before. He purposely painted the bags and beauty marks around the eye, as from where he stands, imperfections are the most undeniable features that we recognise about the people we spend the most time with day to day. Scars, cuts, spots and bruises are all things Dyer-Miller feels we should all treasure, after all, they are the things we could all still feel if we lost our vision. In ways they define us, and are a visual reminder that we have lived.
In addition to their physical meaning, the blemishes represent all the differences two lovers can have between them, and that love is about acceptance and celebrating that through it all, something greater than the physical ties them together.
Detroit chose acrylic paint for this specific piece, as it was once a medium he held himself away from.
So in essence, he went through a journey of acceptance in the same way the artwork is meant to speak on.
The Way You Look
Print of "The Way U Look" artwork.